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Articles & Research

The latest in research by Dr. Glenn Rothfeld.

Remember Your Multi!

Multivitamins were in the news recently, and in a good way for a change. In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and per... ... Read More

Remember Your Multi!

Glenn Rothfeld | July 24, 2024

Multivitamins were in the news recently, and in a good way for a change. In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and per...

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Low Level Lasers and Pain

Glenn Rothfeld | July 16, 2024

Anyone who reads my columns knows that I'm generally anti-pharmaceutical drugs. Or at least, I consider drug therapy to be a very blunt instrument ...

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Best Seasonal Allergy Supplements

Glenn Rothfeld | April 04, 2024

Yup.  It’s that time of the year again.  Just like every year, it starts with a tickle in the nose.  Then maybe your eyes itch, and your throat get...

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